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Personal & Social Support

Student Services professionals are educators with a mental health perspective who understand and respond to student emotional needs. Counselors, School Social Workers, and School Psychologists are available in times of crisis, liaisons to community resources, and advocates for student’s emotional needs as they strive for success in school.
Personal/Social Support can also be provided through:
  • Individual and small group counseling
  • Teaching positive coping strategies
  • Teaching effective social skills
  • Teaching positive problem-solving and decision making skills 
  • Mediating peer conflicts
  • Substance abuse education/support
  • Grief support
  • Education in understanding self and others
Stomp Out Bullying -  website with prevention and awareness resources for students and parents. Log on to find out about leadership opportunities or ways you can promote kindness and put an end to bullying.
Virtual Calming Room - This website was created to provide coping strategies and resources to help support you.  This website is for added support, but is not meant to treat any formal diagnosis. It is meant to provide a variety of coping strategies to help you.
Substance Abuse - information and resources for understanding why teens turn to drugs or alcohol, and what to do if you suspect your child is using
            RethinkVape.Org  - How to Talk to Teens About Vaping 
            Truth Initiative - How to Help Your Child Quit Vaping 
             Live Vape Free -  mobile phone based program to help quit vaping
           YoungMinds - Supporting a Child Who is Self-Harming 
          PsycOM  - How to Parent a Teen that Self-Harms