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General Information

Absence Policy

Absence Policy

Parents are to notify the school by 9:00 a.m. of the student’s absence, including late arrivals, through the 24-hour attendance line (262-363-6292, option 1). Parents may notify the office of early dismissals through the attendance line or by sending a note with their student. Notes should be brought to the Main Office prior to the start of the day.
The Planned Absence Form (for vacation) can be found here and should be filled out prior to the absence.
After Regular School Hours

After Regular School Hours

Only students who are involved in a supervised school sponsored activity should be present in the building after regular school hours. Students waiting for rides after practices, club meetings, etc. should do so near the north entrance (Pick n Save) side of the building.
Early Release Procedure

Early Release Procedure

Send a note with your child in the morning so that school staff can be notified of the early release.  Be sure to come into the office to pick up your child.
Honor Roll

Honor Roll

Students earning a 3.0 - 3.49 earn a ribbon each quarter for making Honor Roll. Students with a 3.5 - 4.0 earn a ribbon each quarter for making PVMS High Honor Roll.
School District's Dress Code

School District's Dress Code

Students should remember to follow the District's Dress Code, which is outlined in the student handbook. Students can be referred to the office for dress code violations, especially if they have received previous warnings from staff.  Please help us remind students to dress for success.
School ID's

School ID's

Each student will be given a student ID at the beginning of the school year. Please be sure that your child comes to school everyday with their student ID. If it is lost there is a $5.00 replacement fee, stop in the office for more information.